As part of my Veeam Vanguard status, I was fortunate enough to receive a copy of ‘Best Practises – Veeam Backup and Replication for VMware – Version 8.0’.

This book of full of real world advice and tips from Veeam Engineers:-
Sometimes VeeamZIP is used to create the actual backup for seeding. VeeamZIP does not create the needed VBM metadata file. Instead of creating a new backup and shipping it to the seeding target side again, contact Veeam support to get a PowerShell script that can create the VBM metadata file.
This is an excellent source that covers topics such as Resource Planning, Job configuration to Network Connectivity Diagrams. No Veeam user/admin/architect should be without it, so luckily Veeam have made an electronic version of this book available.
You can download a copy from
While this is a VMware specific book, I hope there will be a Hyper-V in the not too distant future.